Sunday, July 14, 2013

A Year and a Half??? Slacker!

Just when I thought I couldn't be lamer, I prove myself wrong and drop the blog ball. We have had all kinds of fun since the last time I wrote, and I am more broken to boot! More on that later. Thing 1 and Thing 2 have gotten bigger. T1 is starting middle school this year (NooOooo) and T2 is moving upstairs and into 3rd grade.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Someone Please

Give me the energy to get those damned cookies done. I haven't been sleeping well, so tired. I have sugar cookie dough in the fridge calling my name. I still have to make peanut butter cookies too. Ugh...Not feeling it, but I must.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

I Suck

...and not in a good way. I have every intention of keeping up with this blog, then my short attention span kicks in, or the kids get me busy, or depression makes me not give a shit. Or. Or. Or. Lots of excuses as to why I give up on this and everything else I intend to do.

I have these ideas in my head that sound good! They sound feasible! They sound like something that would improve my way of life in some way-I'll be more organized, healthier, happier, you name it. Then that voice creeps in and tells me to forget it. It's not going to work because I won't actually get it done. I begin to doubt myself and my ability to do whatever it is. I begin to believe that I really can't finish whatever it is that I started, so I quit. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy and I'm absolutely disgusted by it and by myself.

My sweet husband...God, I don't know how he puts up with it. I start things, I get distracted, I get defeated, and I stop. He picks up the pieces and keeps us going. I keep waiting for that moment when he says "Enough!" and sees me for what I really am.

When I started this blog a year ago (with 4 posts, go me!), I swore I was going to be honest. I was going to share what makes me who I am. I was going to link this shit to Facebook, make it public, and let everyone see who I am. Yeah. I'm too chicken. Maybe someday. Not today.

Edited: My husband, the darling that he is, made me amend this to say that I baked 19 dozen cookies today. He's standing over my shoulder eating one...I bet it's a tollhouse. He loves tollhouse.
He just corrected me: it's a toffee cookie.

Friday, June 3, 2011

How the heck did it hit June already?!?

Between soccer and school and rainstorms, the year has flown by.  I didn't realize I've been so damned lazy in my blogging.  The boys are playing soccer this spring.  We usually do fall soccer, but with the changing of the league, spring soccer was included in the registration. we are, getting up too damned early on a Saturday morning to watch the boys play.  Thing 1's's painful to watch.  He's frustrated, we're frustrated...It's just painful.  Thing 2-at 6, it's cute no matter how they play.  The girls on his team like to hold hands as they run down the field.  I think that should be an official soccer strategy.

Rainstorms...holy shit, the rainstorms.  Our basement flooded and we're in the process of tearing down the walls and emptying it of 40 years worth of crap.  Yes...40 years.  MIL throws nothing away.  Ever.  She's having a hissy fit because we're throwing just about everything away.  The joy of living with a hoarder.

School.  Soon we'll have three 4th graders and a 1st grader.  Impossible.   I need to have another baby.  Fat chance.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Cataclysm is upon us!

Ok, so I got the WoW expansion against my better judgment, and have to say, I like it a lot.  I haven't been in the new zones yet, because I'm too damned lazy to relearn how to play my alliance paladin.  However, I have watched hubby play, and they look gorgeous.  He's been really impressed with it.

Goblins!!!  I said way back, with vanilla WoW, that I wanted to play a goblin, desperately.  I have four so far.  I absolutely love the starting storyline, the look, the feel, the trikes, the female goblin cry of  "awesome!" said in her worst Jersey accent.  I can't get enough of the goblins.

Best.  Race.  Ever.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Gaming Agoraphobia?

I did mention that I'm nuts, right?  Three or four years ago, I had a teensy lil breakdown, and ended up agoraphobic as a result.  I couldn't get halfway across my backyard without having a panic attack.  It sucked.  Tons.  I'm doing better now-still not good with crowds, but I can manage going to the store and on outings with my family.  If it gets too crowded, I get twitchy, and my darling husband knows to get me out before I start foaming at the mouth.

Fall and Winter are always tough on me.  I always end up in a downswing around this time of year.  At least we can recognize it for what it is and we can deal.  My husband knows that I'm not avoiding him;  I'm just retreating into myself a bit.  I can control myself better because I know what is causing it.

We are gamers.  I've mentioned that, no?  He has gone back to playing WoW now that Cataclysm is about to be released (Dec. 7th, my MMO widows!).  He wants me to play with him, and I want to play with him.  However, I get in, see lots of people running around, and promptly log out because I don't feel like dealing with people.  In a game. 

This bodes well for the rest of the season.  Poor husband.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I Hate Stickers!

With every fiber of my being, I hate them.  They are all over Thing 1 and Thing 2's bunkbeds.  They are currently trying to get them off.  Should make for a quiet day.